Wednesday 4 July 2012

Veggie Time

As promised, a vegetable recipe today, what we call a subji. I find it so boring when veg is just boiled or blanched or whatever. It just seems to drain all the flavour out of it. This is just a way to make it a bit more interesting, and as always, you can mix and match the vegetables that go in.

Spring Greens with potato and peas

Serves 4

1 head of spring greens
1 potato
1 tbsp oil
½ tsp cumin seeds
Pinch of turmeric
Handful of frozen peas, around 50g (though fresh could easily be used instead)

30 minutes preparation and cooking

  1. Finely shred the spring greens
  2. Peel and dice the potato
  3. Warm the oil on a high heat
  4. When hot, add the cumin seeds.
  5. After a few seconds, when the seeds are sizzling, add the diced potato.
  6. Add a pinch of turmeric and sauté the potato until lightly coloured.
  7. Now add the spring greens. Cover and cook on a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Add the frozen peas, stir it, then cover for 3 minutes.
  9. Remove the cover and cook while stirring for another few minutes until the water from the frozen peas evaporates. (Obviously this doesn’t apply when using fresh peas)
  10. Take of the heat, put in a nice bowl and serve. Yum yum yum.

This is also eaten with rice, generally as a kind of side dish. We had this accompanying the lamb curry. My attempts at cooking haven't been spectacular today, mainly because I didn't get out of bed until 1 in the afternoon, so all I did was eat a readymade chicken pie for lunch. I have to say, chicken pies are the best sort of study leave / holiday / being lazy food. Along with pasta etc. When I wanted to have an afternoon snack, I was most distressed to find we didn't have any tinned tuna to make a sandwich. You know when you've built something up and really want it? That's what I was like with this sandwich. So disappointing.
Even as I was writing this, I ended up doing some sort of cooking. Ish. It was in the kitchen at least preparing strawberries. But I have more to say on strawberries so I'll leave it for tomorrow, hopefully also with a recipe for Indian rice pudding.

I'd really appreciate it if people could give me feedback about how to improve and what to include. I'm running out of inspiration...
Bye xxx

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